Emergency Echo 5Es

E is for Ejection

  • Ejection fraction
  • Rate qualitatively
    • Normal - >50%
    • Moderately depressed 30-50%
    • Severely depressed <30%
annotated ultrasound image
Moore et al. Acad Emerg Med 2002; 9:186-193.
sensor position




So the second E is E for Ejection, this is commonly known to be ejection fraction, which is the percentage of blood being ejected from the heart. Qualitatively measured, severely depressed when the EF is less than 30%. We were among the first investigators to study this - EP being compared to radiologists. So estimating the heart and being able to tell good from bad is the important part here. Here we see a dilated cardiomyopathy where we see less than 15% or less of blood being ejected from that cavity.

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